You know who my heart goes out to ... the bar, restaurant, lodging... basically the whole hospitality industry. December and January have been absolutely BRUTAL ... ice storm ...snow every weekend , bitter cold , etc. Aside from the people impacted by the ice storm who had to seek lodging, I can't remember a worse 2 month stretch for these type of businesses...
Recession be darned; people still want a nice meal and an occassional drink!
Harry, I have a marathon taking place on Feb. 22, 2009 in one was more worried than me..registration went thru the roof during the coldest snowiest days days..sold out at 4200 bibs sold..go figure:>)
Quote below From the attached Globe am I to assume the city currently has no power to levy the fine that they legilsated into law on Jan 1st.........or is that why everyone is currenlty only getting warnings right now???.....and OBrien was on the radio saying that they were issuing warnings and holding up the implemenation until Jan 1st b/c he wanted to give everyone a chance to become acqauinted with the new fact the city has no power to levy or collect fines for unshovled walks??? What a load of snow++++
"The city has the authority to collect fines on traffic or speeding tickets, but little real power to collect the shoveling fines. That is why Beacon Hill lawmakers are also close to giving cities and towns the authority to add unpaid fines to property tax bills and, for the worst offenders, to file liens. The bill was championed by Representative Martha M. Walz, a Democrat from the Back Bay, and is on the governor's desk waiting to be signed into law"
Also, only the "worst offenders" get their property does that mean if you dont pay the fine that has been added to the tax bill AND YOU ARE NOT A "WORST OFFENDER"...then then you WONT get liened??
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
An Economics Professor Visits the National Parks
This is a blob post from an economics professor at the University of
Rochester, who spent the summer with some students in Kentucky and comments
on visitin...
Congratulations to Nobel Laureate Richard Thaler!
It should surprise no one, and delight everyone, that Richard Thaler has
won this year’s Nobel in economics. Congratulations! Thaler is a big reason
I pe...
SEX in skirts. SEX in hair. SEX surely shivers in ice cubes and swims
through Kahlua, but I never could find it.
When I was in 8th grade, a teacher showed...
Sprout has closed.
I just want to confirm what many of you know, it is with deep sadness and
regret that we have closed Sprout. Cathy's cancer has returned and it is no
WOW! Maybe some Boston residents may want to hire Wormtown Jeff to patrol this neighborhood:
"The bill was championed by Representative Martha M. Walz, a Democrat from the Back Bay, and is on the governor's desk waiting to be signed into law."
Harry T
Worcester, MA
You know who my heart goes out to ... the bar, restaurant, lodging... basically the whole hospitality industry. December and January have been absolutely BRUTAL ... ice storm ...snow every weekend , bitter cold , etc. Aside from the people impacted by the ice storm who had to seek lodging, I can't remember a worse 2 month stretch for these type of businesses...
Recession be darned; people still want a nice meal and an occassional drink!
Harry T
Worcester, MA
Harry, I have a marathon taking place on Feb. 22, 2009 in one was more worried than me..registration went thru the roof during the coldest snowiest days days..sold out at 4200 bibs sold..go figure:>)
Quote below From the attached Globe am I to assume the city currently has no power to levy the fine that they legilsated into law on Jan 1st.........or is that why everyone is currenlty only getting warnings right now???.....and OBrien was on the radio saying that they were issuing warnings and holding up the implemenation until Jan 1st b/c he wanted to give everyone a chance to become acqauinted with the new fact the city has no power to levy or collect fines for unshovled walks??? What a load of snow++++
"The city has the authority to collect fines on traffic or speeding tickets, but little real power to collect the shoveling fines. That is why Beacon Hill lawmakers are also close to giving cities and towns the authority to add unpaid fines to property tax bills and, for the worst offenders, to file liens. The bill was championed by Representative Martha M. Walz, a Democrat from the Back Bay, and is on the governor's desk waiting to be signed into law"
Also, only the "worst offenders" get their property does that mean if you dont pay the fine that has been added to the tax bill AND YOU ARE NOT A "WORST OFFENDER"...then then you WONT get liened??
Someone help me here with this jibberish???
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