City Council just went into Executive Session about pending lawsuits?? Whats up with that????
Anyone know.....
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Posturing that's all it is.
They want to speak in private about information most everyone already knows was printed or transmitted elsewhere. We should all be weary of any government activity that goes on behind closed doors.
Officer Rojas internal affairs files.
I have a question about Direct Air. If loads are not good why do they continue flying the A320? They could use their A319 and fly with higher load number right?
I think I read a while back they're going to court on Jan 16th?????
Maybe they're thinking of ordering Gemme to release the files with only the correct redactions?
Wait until the taxpayers get the invoice for the legal servives for the law firm the T&G is using. Ouch.
Does anyone know if other municipalities have a sidewalk shoveling ordinance? I wonder about the legality of requiring one to maintain property they do not own?
We have been known to pass laws that sometimes will not pass muster. Wasnt there the law about strip joints that was shot sown a few years ago? I also wonder about the vendor push cart law, but it will prob. never be challenged b/c small time vendors dont have the means, unless a lawyer steps up pro bono. Ditto's FOR THE PROPOSED KNIFE ORDINANCE. Feel good legislation..............meanwhile the city is almsot bankrupt year after year after year.
Also they could be talking about WPD Paygate. What if they have found that 49 offices, for example, have stolen from their employer multiple times to teh tune of 1000's per officer. They know the public will be calling for their collective thieving scalps.
Councilors will not want to see 49 potential votes get fired from the city payroll, lose the city portion of their accrued pension bennies, and where will a cop making 100,000 per year find a similar job? Mall cops only make $8.50 per hour, assuming they could even get hired.
The longer we wait the greater the payroll fraud IMO
I would imagine the deal That Direct signed with Virgin must say that can not use planes from other companies.
Then leaves me with question. Does Virgina America have A319's in their fleet?
Check out the fleet section:
Harry T
Worcester, MA
They have A319 that they use to fly from certain locations.
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