Indirect Air Carriers do not have to report their loads to the Feds. So, you will find nothing publicly available about Direct Air's loads. If they (or a counter at every airport) don't tell you, you won't know. I am sure that the airport has counts, but they are going to hang on to them.
By federal law, all public charters must keep their fares in escrow until the flight departs. If vacations and all those goodies are included, all of that has to be in escrow until they are used. In addition, all public charters must file a $200,000 bond in order to operate.
Your money is actually safer with Direct Air than a network carrier. Even if you pay Direct Air in cash, you can still get your money back out of their bond as long as it is valid.The key to their profitability is to find out the charter costs of the aircraft. A very coarse estimate would be $8,000-$10,000 per block hour including fuel. That number is for similar sized jets, but a little older. However, the constant utilization may have gotten them a contract price that was very, very good.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Feel free to chime in on snow shoveling ordinance...
Harry T
As part of the citys agreement with direct air , I would think they would be req'd to report load #'s....for example to see how effective the advertising is. It is our money being used to subsidize I assume someone would want to be able to check on the effectiveness of the grant monies being spent.....or am I expecting too much forward thinking from our bureaucrats??
Good God, now McGovern is back with his Secretary of Peace baloney again.......last I heard it was going to be the Dept of Peace....all this from the smug clown who goes down to Havana to hob-nob with Castro, one of the worlds worst dictators.........meanwhile the economy is imploding all around us..........this mans actions are truly those of a clueless bureaucrat who will not taclke tough issues........and we keep sending him back to Washington......unreal Now I really have to chuckle to myself.......I am about to type in the verification word to post this blog and the word it is "doppets"........mere coincidence??
"Indirect Air Carriers do not have to report their loads to the Feds."
What do you base that statement on?
It was an anonymous comment, but it does make sense. Technically Direct Airline is not an airline, but a Public Charter.
Pretty sure that this comment is in fact correct
Do i have this right?????....So if the plane goes down and no gov't authority has been advised beforehand how many are on board........then how do we know if we've accounted for all the passengers/bodies to be rescued/recovered?
I mean even a tractor trailer loaded with general freight has a manifest of whats on board.
Not Worc airport related.......Did I head $99 on the radio today to fly to Calif??
Bill Randell said...
"Pretty sure that this comment is in fact correct"
I don't think it is.
The ORH numbers before and after Allegiant consisted of nothing but private charters.
Hi. I am the same poster that posted that information.
"What do you base that statement on?"
The federal Part 380 regulations that govern charter operations. Indirect Air Carriers are not required to publish their information. Most indirect air carriers are casinos and vacation operators. They can even file what they are paying the airline as confidential as well, but it is filed.
"As part of the citys agreement with direct air , I would think they would be req'd to report load #'s"
They are probably reporting them to the airport as a condition of the grant. However, it is not public information (like the network carriers).
"Do i have this right?????....So if the plane goes down and no gov't authority has been advised beforehand how many are on board........then how do we know if we've accounted for all the passengers/bodies to be rescued/recovered?"
The direct air carrier (i.e. the people who own and fly the plane) will always have a head count of passengers and crew onboard. The TSA will likely have a passenger list as well, since any jet above 60 seats and 95,000 lb has to go through airline style security for public charters.
"The ORH numbers before and after Allegiant consisted of nothing but private charters."
Airports usually receive all of the counts. They are required to in order to tap certain types of federal funding. However, the individual carrier is under no obligation to report their numbers. Allegiant is because they are a Part 121 scheduled carrier.
"Technically Direct Airline is not an airline, but a Public Charter."
That is correct. They are an Indirect Air Carrier.
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