Today marks the one year anniversary in the Telegram announcing the award of 11 acre parcel on Canterbury Street to Pharmasphere for $1. Click here for the story, especially the part where construction could start by March--that is of 2008.
Jeff, are their walks shoveled?
Jahn, I just looked up these properties on the City of Worcester Website and it still does not look like these parcels have been transferred yet? It is not so much the $1 purchase price but they taxes that we are losing out on these parcels.
This is a refreshere from a previous post on this parcel:
The actual transfer of the property for $1 will now take place no later then ten days after a building permit is obtained. O'kay I can accept this, but what I can not accept is the deadline to get the building permit. The deadline is September 1st, 2009.
Let me get this right. Pharasphere won the bid for $1 in January, 2008, because they were suppose to "move forward quickly" and now they have until September 1st, 2009 to obtain a building permit before they have even have to take title to the property within ten days for $1. It gets better, or should I say worse.
Even if they do not have the building permit on September 1st, 2009, the TOC can not be terminated until September 1st, 2010 as long as Pharmasphere "has pending applications to obtain such permit and is diligently pursuing such permit." How does one interpret or enforce a "diligent" standard. This winning bid of $1 in essence can tie up this 11 acre parcel, that nobody is paying taxes on, until September 1st, 2010.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
BIll, City Sq properties which Berkshire owns are getting a similar deal re property taxes. I once looked at these properties on treasurers website and taxes had either been eliminated or SIGNIFICANLY reduced in an ticipation of the very soon to be commenced City Sq project.
If memory serves me well...... demolition was to start in March of 2006.....some 3 years we lost out on how much in propty taxes since then??? Millions .........and we got the city trying to squeeze what amts to chump change Pilot Paymenrts out of the best and biggest industry in Worc........Collegiate higher Pualie often says take the colleges out of Worc........and we're another Holyoke or Chelsea or Springfield
"as Pualie often says take the colleges out of Worc........and we're another Holyoke or Chelsea or Springfield"
>>was in Northampton for New just knew a college was in-town...the feel was there everywhere you went...
Is here any doubt on this statement?? We are experiencing one of the biggest abuses of power wih these City Councilors publicly dragging the colleges over the coals like they have been
I drove by there today as well as the Main South CDC parcels that Wormtown Taxi posted.
The Pharmashphere parcel is not shoveled, and the Main South CDC unsold units were still not shoveled as of 11am Sunday.
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