At Paulie's New Orleans bash, I had a chance to talk to Jeff of WormTown Taxi, he is a good guy and very tech savy. Matter of fact I am going to try and do more picture and videos like Jeff does.
He also urged me to put sitemeter on my site so everyone can see the activity on the blog. January 2nd of this year, I finally did and from then till now we have been averaging 153 visits per day. Click on the sitemeter link anytime.
Also I have stared work on a profile, again per Jeff's suggestion, that I set up in LinkenIn. There is also a link to the left.
Thanks Jeff..
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
that you going to your blog 152 times a day..Jahn the other hit
Visitors are by IP address. I could sit here and skew the page loads, but not the visitor number.
only kidding:>)
you going tonight to MLK
surprised you're not on facebook yet if you are going to linkdin, there is a ton of viral possibilities for your blog, there are 78,000 worcester people in the network, and you can send out some great blasts that bring new support. I've done it for Dismas, and people I've never met are signing up, helping out etc. plus we want to see your mug on a facebook page.
my friend shot her blog up on facebook and has a ton of new fans.
dave mcmahon
if you want to make soem real money for Dismas get into the brownfield remediation business, whereby you hold land in name only apply for EPA grants and clean up the underlying land and deed back for a fee.
Sorry could not help myself
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