Driving home tonight by Mr Krock's property on the corner of Salisbury and Forest (or is it Grove)? Not shoveled. In fact it was hard to find a shoveled walk between here and Indian Lake. Todays storm was horrible!! Do you wait, do you shovel? My point is that this sidewalk is pretty much enforceable. What lesson is there to be learned here...
Instead of the City Council focusing on snow removal sidewalk ordinances, street vendor ordinances, topless zoning or the whole pocket knife issue. Maybe the City Council should spend their time of issues like a flat property tax rate for both commercial and residential??
Not chance that will happen...
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Pardon the 'Paulie'-nese , but here goes:
"So I took the 'ol lady for dinnah & drinks down at Coes Cafe on Mill street, while walking in the front door, I spot a poster for Direct Air's soon to begin service to Myrtle Beach ...that's just what we need in the urban core! More posters like this will raise awareness about Direct Air's service from ORH!! I thought more about it, as I was pounding Dark -n- Stormy 's from the baaaaaaaaaaah and I thought, got to get this on Wild Will's silly blog to raise even more awareness, now to move onto a pint or 10 of Guinness or Harpoon... :>)"
So how was that? That's as good of a Paulie impersonation as I can do, the only way I can do it better is to throw in all of his spelling and grammar errors.
The part about the Direct Air flyer/poster is true though. If you are ever in the neighborhood, walk into Coe's Cafe and right by the front door, actually to the right of the front door by the hostess station is the poster.
Now should I attempt a Jahn impersonation?
Harry T
Worcester, MA
I was up & about early this morning. I shoveled last night and late yest. afternoon.....and I just knew what was going to happen........i get yesterdays 1/2 snow & 1/2 frozen slush mix removed and viola it rains and freezes on teh bare sidewlak and there's no way in hell I can remove that ice now this monring (maybe later this afternoon if gets warm enough) .....but by this afternoon the 10 hr window has expired..........WTH am I supposed to do....so i bought some rock salt
And then I drive by Elm Park and city is plowing along Park Ave but once they plow the snow off the walk , there's a layer of ice underneath.............so how exacly does the city intend to have that ice removed w/in 10 hrs.........thsi new ice component of the law is what really bothers me......b/c if we get ice and it stays below freeziing for mulitple days in a row..............how are we supposed to get the ice off..........it's impossible absent a really warm sunny afternnon and assuming the sun hits the sidewalk during the day, too.
I'd like to see the "window" to clear walks extended to 15 or 20 hrs. and as I drove the city........90% of the walks weren't shoveld from yesterdays storms.........just think if the cops started handing out warnings they'd have no time do real police work including extended lunch at Pickel Barrel, coffee/donut at Treat Me Donuts, filling out fruadulent time sheets, & hiding in the school parking lots under the guise of being on "guard duty"
I traversed alot of the city today ..........i tell you guys............90% of our citizenry are in violation of the snow ordinance............looks like the police will only be re-active and not pro-active on this sidewalk Shovelgate.................what happens what you get tagged by a cop for $75 fine........does one then rat out all teh cops who possibly havent shoveld their sidewalks.
The next 7 days the temps are not going above 29 degrees so now we got iced over sidewelaks everywhere for a week ???
Arent we basically right back where we were a yr ago will snow removal...wink wink nod nod..........no one gets cited unless some one complains or unless youre in the immediate downtown area??
Why did we even bother with a revised ordinance? A waste of time & energy
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