Nice article by Mr Nemeth regarding the new airport director, click here. I particulary liked the line
Mr. Davis places special emphasis on community involvement, partnership with the business and college communities and collaboration with government authorities.
Wonder if community involvement includes working with bloggers like us? I posted before that I would try and contact Mr Davis for blog interview, butnever did. This week I will.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
The most interesting part was when the gentleman stated he was tired of the constant ups and downs of the business and the uncertain future of the biz. The prior American Airlines positions sound to me like exciting, high pressure, engaging executive management work. I believe he is bright enough to see that even with his talents the future in the trunk airlines is just way too uncertain for a man with two girls who will shortly be in college. The new position will be like going from detective captain on NYPD vice to patrolman in Barre. Short on job fufillment and excitement, but long on routine and stability. I wish the man well and welcome someone with a real airline pedigree instead of the usual political appointee. In closing I would like to say that I have been a long supporter of ORH but I am starting to feel that with the incredible changes in the air transport world over the last 10 years and the incredible (and now completed) world class facility 40 miles away it is time for plan B at ORH. If Worcester was 100 miles away from the next active airport the story would be much different. The trend here is not however, unique. The same developments are taking place at similar airports nationwide.
Good point.
What concerns me is that if I were named the next Airport Director at ORH, one of the first things I would do (even if you were told I was a complete jerk) was post a comment on our blog to answer any questions us silly bloggers have?
The article certainly said the right things in terms of the new director's goals (i.e new hangars, expanding cargo operations, increased communication).
Somethings that could have enhanced the article's impact would have been a decreased time limit from 3 months investigating the needs/problems at the airport + 3month reality check/assessment to 1month total with a monthly report assessment to the CM and council. With his qualifications and experience he should be able to hit the ground running and have recognized what needs to be done before day one of beginning the new post.
Secondly, I would have liked to have seen JetBlue and Cape Air added to the list of airlines being contacted.
Aside from that, should be some exciting times for the airport if his goals are met in the improvements at the airport. Let's just ope it's not another long-range 10 year plan!
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