Jahn has been saying this for months, but we need to look at the hidden costs of all these high density low to mod income housing. Today Dewey sent me an article from the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, where the future Red Sox right fielder grew up.
Read this one line as to why the school budget has gone 42% in the past three years:
"We have the highest concentration of public housing of all Allegheny County," Ms. Serenka said, "and, we believe, in the state."
In fact, the Executive Director of the South Worcester Neighborhood Center has used the fact Canterbury Street School enrollment is down and we do not want it to be closed as a reason why we need Southgate place, 25 low income apartments at the former City Builders site.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
1 comment:
Since when is part of SWNC's mission statement/objectives to be certain that neighborhood schools are fully populated with students and/or build low income housing?
Maybe SWNC would be better served if they attempted to first fill their 83% vacant apt/condo building at Cambridge Hacker that has been vacant for how long now and forget about filling school buildings. Fill teh school then next thing you know teachers will start whining about class sizes!
As far as closing Canterbury St school.....will never happen. They'll close an older school building first. Maybe we'll have a few more future students born 9 months from now after that big Chinese new years celebration in the area the other day.
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