In total Southgate Place, old City Builders, will add 33 bedrooms to the City of Worcester Sewerage System. Since there were never any pre-existing bedrooms on this parcel the past 5 years, the sewerage fee alone (33 times 1,320) should be 43,560. That is not including the water hook-up fees but I think it is fair to say that their costs will be in the $50,000 area.
Do you think this will ever get paid?
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
No way...
Harry T
Bill are you sure it's only 33 bedrooms. There are 23(?) units being built and I believe I read many of those were to be 2 bedrooms and even a few 3 bedroom units.
Thats only 1.5 BR's per unit. Just seems a littel low to me??
BTW, how's the sale of those units at Cambridge/Hacker the place still 83% vacant...meanwhile South Worc Neighborhood Center is going to embark on another potentailly disatrous undertaking given the gen'l econ. climate we're in now.
Hey Harry
Stocks are getting hammered today onTuesday but ALGT is still posting a gain w/ a 1/2hr to go. only $9.00 from it's all time high.
Did you get in on the ground floor and buy @ $17.00 you lucky dog?
Hesitated and lost
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