Small Community Air Service Grant was awarded in the amount of 442,615 to help ORH attract air service. Although there is a lag time between what has been spent and what has been reported to the DOT for reimbursement, I am a little disappointed to see that 39,375.51 of the 43,449.26 submitted for reimbursement were monies spent on a consultant.
Between the New England Regional Air Study Plan, the $100,000 IMG Study and the 20 Year Master Plan, not to mention our partner MassPort and the management in place at ORH, one would not think that we would need to spend another 39,375 on a consultant to help us attract service. These monies would be better spent on an actual carrier to attract them to ORH.
It was mentioned before that we had to spend the monies, since it was in the original application, but free parking was also in the original application and we did not do that. Lets just hope the remaining DOT grant monies actually go to airlines to attract air service versus consultant services.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Bill wrote:
"Lets just hope the remaining DOT grant monies actually go to airlines to attract air service versus consultant services."
How do you envision grant monies actually going to airlines? Ticket sales? Kickbacks? Bribes?
Grant monies could go to waived landing fees, free rent, payment to Swissport to handing the turn, advertising.
There are many ways these grant monies can be used to entice an airline to come to ORH... I just think it is a waste to spend $40,000 on consultants, when it could have gone to any of the above items.
Bill from Worcester,MA said...
"Grant monies could go to waived landing fees, free rent,..."
So Worcester should use the grant money to pay itself rent and landing fees. That's accounting worthy of Enron....
ORH could use the DOT grant monies to lower an airlines overhead, to help attract them to Worcester.. That is the purpose of the grant, to help attract air service.
Instead of spending this money on consultants, get the monies into the hands of the airlines themselves with advertising or lower their overhead.
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