ORH can be an asset but it will be one under the current management structure. As I have been saying of late, sell ORH to MassPort (or anyone else). Just read this story about how activity keeps increasing at Hanscom Field. Eventually MassPort will need ORH as a third airport to alleviate the pressure on MassPort and Hanscom. It truly makes sense for MassPort to own and run all three commercial airport in Mass. I remember the term "Economies of Scale" from college and I think it would apply here.
Here is a part of the story (I had no idea Hanscom was this busy):
March roared out of Hanscom Field like a lion with a double digit increase in operations.
On April 18, the Hanscom Field Advisory Commission learned the total number of operations between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m. increased 13.7 percent last month, jumping from 13,073 in March 2005 to 14,869. Last year, June was the busiest month at Hanscom with 17,751 operations.
Sara Arnold of Massport reported that every category of aircraft, including single engine and twin piston planes, was in the air more this year than the previous March.
Full link:
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
I agree. If we could sell that huge concrete block in the middle of downtown Worcester why couldn't we sell the airport to someone who would make it work. I would bet Massport would jump at the chance to own another commercial airport in Massachusetts and would pay for it. City officials could have press conference from the airport like they did for the outlet mall about the option for someone to buy airport and lets see if there is any interest.
MassPort has been our partner now for the 5th year with one more left and IMG recommends that we continue the agreement. I am not happy with the results so far and I highly doubt MassPort is either.
We need to try something different. Tim, great idea. Lets have a press conference and invite MassPort and the groups that own TF Green, Bradley and Manchester-Boston show them around and tell them WE ARE FOR SALE!!
On an unrelated note, here is a good article on air taxis ...
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, Ma
...one more try
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