My whole point of doing all of this was to make ORH a successful airport, not to make anyone look bad . Bring people together, who believe in the airport, to help the airport become the asset that I know that it can be. To that end, I wanted to find out all there is to know about the airport and run it like a business.
Before anyone reads any more of this blog, go to and go to the tab for "Board Minutes". Look at the January minutes from 2005 and the January minutes of 2006, do you notice a difference?? Last year, when the minutes were not on the this web page or on the City web site, the minutes were 9 pages long full of information. Now this year the minutes are two pages long full of non-information. Obviously, nothing is being discussed at board meetings any more for fear that it will be read????? . This is pretty sad, the actual opposite of what I had hoped.
Let me ask this next question... Many people read this blog and make comments, why can't anyone from the airport administration or the airport board add comments?? Believe me if I was working at the airport or on the airport commission, I would read this blog or anything on the airport and made my opinions known. My fear is that my efforts, in the end, to make more information known and make ORH an asset has done just the opposite, less is being known and ORH will continue to be a drain on our fiscal health.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
I originally posted this under the wrong topic:
At this point, either way it seems like a lose - lose situation. It's already a known fact that closing the airport will hurt the city. FAA won't justify it, and in turn the city will be penalized millions of dollars. Look at Meigs Field in Chicago, they closed it overnight. After years of investigation, FAA fined them $33,000 dollars. Seems like no big deal, but now the city is facing millions of dollars in fines, which there is a high probability they will pay out for closing Meigs, plus legal fees...they lose. Worcester would be no different, we can't benefit from closing, however, we can't benefit from shoveling money into something and getting nothing in return. There has to be some good news at the airport, Allegiant has a proven success rate as of this date, so there has to be something else in the works. What is it? Worcester is a public airport, the citizens have a right to know about the current situation and the future. If they are in negotiations with other airlines, how would making it known to the public jeopardize it? I would think that news like that would draw even stronger support. Plus listening to supporters is not a bad idea as these are the customers who will utilize the airport. I fly on a regular basis. I will not fly out of Logan unless I have to, and driving to Green is a pain in the ass. I live 5 minutes from ORH. I want to utilize it, I want to fly out of there, I WILL GIVE MY BUSINESS TO THE WORCESTER AIRPORT , if they let me that is. All I can say is that I hope someone at airport administration is reading these posts and realize that we are allies here, but this can't be a one way street, we need feedback from them. I'm still not ready to give up on the airport.
Dave H.
Right now I feel if we are able to get MassPort to extend the agreement another three years, nothing will change. RIght now we are in year 5 of 6, with MassPort as our partner.
We need to look into a long-term agreement with MassPort, or an outright sale to MassPort... Three year extensions simply does not justify MassPort making capital invesments and improvements at ORH, without having the benefits of future income..
SELL ORH to MassPort or lease it to them for 99 years.
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