There has been some work lately on a lot next to the Pharmasphere lot on Southgate. Direnzo towing now has a sign up and is parking cars there. Did some asking around and found out they needed to get a lot in the City of Worcester because they were awarded a towing contract by the City of Worcester.
How did that happen? Early, Boulevard and Pat's have owned the City of Worcester as long as I can remember.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
And....Direnzo's is on Rte 146 in Hillbury, almost at the Slutton town line.
Used to be up on Granite St I think possibly renting from Linders until a few years ago.
I would speculate the terms of contract would require some kinda of facilty in Worcester.
Isnt there another towing co. with a few feet of that site?
That is the company.. One of the conditions of the bid was that you needed a lot in the city. Now they have this lot on Southgate.
Still can't believe they got into Worcester
I can't recall who I heard it from but I believe they split the city up into different quadrants this year and the towing companies then placed bids for the respective areas.
What do you have against Millbury & Sutton?
BTW I assume D's is still in Hillbury. I aint bin that way in a few months.
David, I like Hillbury. I hit the downtown diner once in awhile. I used to hit the Fireworks there, too. Sit on church granite steps and imbibe adult beverage(s) Seems to me they had them multiple nights at 4th Julio weakends shot from Windle, adjacent to what is now DAH BAR... f.k.a. (cant recall its name back then...Old Tyme Inn?...) I once worked in Hillbury years ago, too
I like Slutton, too. I figure if St Peter doesnt let me in, my soul will rest in Slutton at Purgatory :) Then there was the Slutton Drive In of decades ago..... enuff said :)
What I didnt like about Hillbury and Slutton was the time the strip joint that used be where Honey Dew(no pun) Donuts is now located was dynamited and I was late to work b/c of it. Not sure why the FF'ers and cops had to tie up traffic. Alpha I Cant recall if thats in Hillbury or Sutton though. The town line is right about there???
I have names for lotsa things....Like the Peoples Republic of Holden or the Village of Chaucer's Canterberry Tales.......nothing personal about them ...... I am an affirmative action basher........even got my Equal Opportunity bulletin board up to date & certified :)
David I think you re correct the city is or used to be sliced up into quadrants. I wonder how much the qaudrant west of Partk Ave goes for.......i'd guess real short money...most city towjobs go probably down in Main South and parts of eastside nearer the inner city.
I heard Dick Morris submitted a towjob bid to Worc, but was disqualified by virtue of now being in the Fox News/republican camp.
Ya suppose Lobster Towing & Recovery also submitted a bid? Probably not, they're based in Oxford. Dittos for Seven Hills Falcon T & R.
BTW, to be a AAA towing co. you gotta be clean as the wind driven snow. I think Lobster lost their AAA gig.
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