"Sean Dacey said... Try reading the article I linked to. It explains the landlines for the poor, which was expanded to include cell phones, by Bill Clinton. As for the trolling comment, I was saying nicely that you were race baiting and appealing to the lowest common denominator with that video clip. Stay classy, Bill. "
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
And the winner of Most Passive-Aggressive blog post goes to...
It's your blog, Bill. Post away.
Just understand that people might call you on your questionable posts.
If I put a post up of a video without any editorial comments. What exactly is there to question? Free speech...
Keep donating to organizations devoted to vote suppression and keep posting racially charged videos.
No one will note the coincidences.
What organizations do I donate to the support voter suppression?
Sorry, last post if it went through as anonymous was me, Jahn
You donated to Activate Worcester.
Donations to Activate Worcester = voter suppression?
Sorry Sean I did not know that. Thanks for the clarification..
Bill, rumor has it you are/were a regular donor to South Worc Neighborhood Cntr. Last I knew SWNC was hardly a racist organization.
Is the above true and it wouldnt surprise me if you still donate to SWNC, even though you were basically pushed aside by SWNC b/c of your anti-affordable housing views?
In fact were you not on the SWNC Board of Directors which was probably an unpaid position?
Sean and/or Anonymous what organizations do you donate to and/or give of your time?
Are you deliberately being obtuse?
I didn't say you are actively suppressing the vote.
But you donate to an organization that does attempt to suppress the vote and intimidate voters.
If someone is truly suppressing the vote, shouldn't / wouldn't charges be brought?
If you have proof Sean, you should bring it to the DA and have them investigate. Voter suppression is despicable. But the only thing more despicable would be falsely accusing someone of it.
Do you have proof Sean?
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