- Shopping Cart Ordinance
- Foreclosure Moratorium
- Knife Ordinance
- Street Vendors
- Zoning for the location of strip bars
- Additional fine for possession of marijuana at certain locations
- Noise ordinance
- Cab versus livery thing--forgot what happened?
- snow shoveling ordinance --added by Jahn
- plastic bag issue--added by Jahn
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Gee whiz, picking on strip bars ...hot dog vendors and potheads ... I thought the NFL was the 'No Fun League' ...et tu, Worcester?!
Harry T
Worcester, MA
Direct Air adding more destinations.
the shopping cart issue has been a success in my neighborhood..i wasn't unusual to see 2-3 a day on the sidewalk, in years...in the street
Nusiance ordinace which covers everything fROm allowing standing to water to pudddle on your property (act of god??) to allowing your grass to grow too long (over 12")......which BTW the city exempted themselves from.
Also amended the snow shoevling ordinance I thinkk(?) they decreased the time w/in which you have to clear it and it now covers ice too and they bumped the fine up as well. Then last week i read teh wORC housing authorIty being sued for an alleged snow/ice related slip and fall 4yrs ago..............once agAin do as I say not as I do........i wonder if elderly peoplE would be less likely to fall if they had store shopping carts that they were pushing down the sidewalk and holding onto. I am wondering now .... is the city exempt from their own shoveling ordinance?
I wonder if a possible defense might be that the WHA isnt responsilbe for clearing city property , that the WHA doesnt own, of snow & ice.........if this defense is raised you wait and see how fast there an almost immedaite out of court settlement. Time to get our 1st responders out shoveling in the aftermath snow & ice stroms.....???.....no more playing possum (feigning sleep) when it snows.
cANT recall here.....did you mention konnies new plastic shopping bag proposal............meanwhile Rome burns whilst the council fiddles w/minautae.
Hey ....how do you correct a school personnel dept. failing(s)...............1st u just blame the newly hired person and tehn w you just merge it with the existing city side personnel dept and keep all the same players n place.......
OK ...... so when WPD payroll gate is finally put to bed.........will have just one fall guy who will already be retired and/or about to retire take all teh blame............the old fall on your sword trick.
These city people should have to work in the private sector.......many wouldnt make their 1 year review
Nusiance ordinace which covers everything fROm allowing standing to water to pudddle on your property (act of god??) to allowing your grass to grow too long (over 12")......which BTW the city exempted themselves from.
Also amended the snow shoevling ordinance I thinkk(?) they decreased the time w/in which you have to clear it and it now covers ice too and they bumped the fine up as well. Then last week i read teh wORC housing authorIty being sued for an alleged snow/ice related slip and fall 4yrs ago..............once agAin do as I say not as I do........i wonder if elderly peoplE would be less likely to fall if they had store shopping carts that they were pushing down the sidewalk and holding onto. I am wondering now .... is the city exempt from their own shoveling ordinance?
I wonder if a possible defense might be that the WHA isnt responsilbe for clearing city property , that the WHA doesnt own, of snow & ice.........if this defense is raised you wait and see how fast there an almost immedaite out of court settlement. Time to get our 1st responders out shoveling in the aftermath snow & ice stroms.....???.....no more playing possum (feigning sleep) when it snows.
cANT recall here.....did you mention konnies new plastic shopping bag proposal............meanwhile Rome burns whilst the council fiddles w/minautae.
Hey ....how do you correct a school personnel dept. failing(s)...............1st u just blame the newly hired person and tehn w you just merge it with the existing city side personnel dept and keep all the same players n place.......
OK ...... so when WPD payroll gate is finally put to bed.........will have just one fall guy who will already be retired and/or about to retire take all teh blame............the old fall on your sword trick.
These city people should have to work in the private sector.......many wouldnt make their 1 year review
This isnt a new law...but it's def. somethign council shound not be fiddling with ....allowing Jose Rivera an age waiver to get on teh WPD...TY Mr Rushton.........btw from all the reading Ive done last about Irving St-Gate......i was left with the imprerssion that riveras sitaution is a personnel dept. matter that the council shouldnt be involved with? I must be missing somehting here?
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