- When a City Council meet goes pass 9:00PM and there is "yelling, shouting, hooting, whistling, singing or making of other loud noises", would they be in violation of the noise ordinance?
- I have had a tenant for close to 15 years when her and her boyfriend got out of college. They have since been married, have two children and both have jobs. This ordinance would have required me, since they were under 24, to have their lease signed by a "financially responsile person'? Trust me they had no financially responsible person to sign for them, so I would not be able to rent to them today?
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
The city is exempt from the nuisance ord. that was passsed last summer. I dont know if that exempts the councilors. But if they get too noisey they could just move their meetings to Tower Hill in Boylston which is out in the woods
I wonder if the EPA or DEP have laws re: noise pollution............................speaking of which we're on the leading edge of Harley season right about now.......wonder if the council will sponsor an ord. that effectively bans motorcyles from the city......or college kids
Given what Worc would be w/o colleges.......how much of a nuisnace is it if every fall and every spring we have these noisey college parties a few times vs. having no college "industry" or having heavy industry and all the fall out that can come from that...and who amongst us hasnt attended at least a dozen of these college beer bashes over the years............FWIW.........i quit high school so i never attended such gatherings .....[g]......then there's always the noise that comes 12 commercial airline flights every day .........and as Bluto said this morning.......there's the noise (cheering) that emanates from Litte league and high school atheltic gatherings this time of year.....then theres 10-14 winfield st and 224 chandler st.........and poor paulie cant get no satisfaction on this issue for how many years now????.....
"then theres 8-10 winfield st and 224 chandler st.........and poor paulie cant get no satisfaction on this issue for how many years now????....."
18 damn years....only in WooTown
tenants in 224 Chandler dump rancid trash in my yard and get caught and WooTown les em' off....18 maggott filled bags dumped on my property.
I should post he correspondence I received from the city last week...another joke
Sorry guys...........i didnt read the linked article but I did just pick up my newspaper today and I just read about this proposed ord. I am absolutely speechless and need more time than I have right now to possibly respond........BUT...................did i read that Germaine is one of the bills sponsors..????...........Good god ......i cant make up this kinda of hypocrsiy...............talk about fodder for Lenos monologue tonight??......good thing he's only a local political figure
I know this is a different subject, but any word on any other airlines or DirectAir adding any more flights out of ORH? Maybe Tampa or South Florida? What are the chances of DirectAir adding those destinations?
Not much of a chance of Direct Air adding any Florida locations over the summer months. Right now lets just hope we keep Punta and Sanford for the summer.
I guess there is always a chance of more airports in the Florida if we are able to do well with Punta and Sanford. The question is how well are these doing? We do not know.
Even if they do add it will not be to major airports but more like airports like St Pete's.
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