Click here. Wow, I am a little speechless... It is great to see these businesses coming to Worcester but there really is no alot of expansion in the commercial tax base reflected in these additions.
In fact I see two businesses that are already out of business-- New England Carved Sign and Wigwam. Jahn, what do you think?
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Occhiali Opticians is closed already, and if the city gets to put Evo on the list of new businesses, does Sano go on the list of ones that closed?
Good point, Sprout...
Harry T
I am unsure how to handle this. I think if a store front business closes and another replaces it then that's wash
a. Boy i have to be blind. I drive GS Blvd couple times a week...where is the new CVS...guess it has to be there but old CVS next where Shaws used to be (now Price Rite) must have closed..........mmm just about a wash.......I guess a larger, stand alone store is more of a plus than a store in strip shopping center.
b. Again I must be losing it.......i thought Willys Burgers opened in 2007 and and I'll swear also on W. Bolyston that Dana's barber shop was there in 2007??
c. Max Silvermans conference that teh new place in Union Station and it opened in 2008.......kudos to Gus for such a fast track project............didnt he just win that bid last September?
d. I thought Giovanni's on Pearl St closed or was it that DCU just took back the real estate?
e. D.D. on W boyltson is a lateral ground gained as they just moved 250 yrds up the street. i heard Land lord goosed em so much on the rent there that bought there own place just up the street.
f. Jackson Hewitt....aint that the tax place.......they only opened 4 months of the year...does that count? Did they close another local office.
g. The Hand It Over Theatre......surely the city jests????? Gimme 10's of millions of taxpayer subsidies and watch the jobs that I create....and ooooohh..... lest I forget .....gimme $750,000 in free property taxes for 10 years that I dont have to pay every year, too.
I think we also need to look at the quality of the of business as well as the quantity......e.g. small retail outlets certainly dont generate the value added and payroll and property taxes that a new manufacturing plant would bring to town or new college satellite campus (no RE taxes tho).
When you consider the loss of one company like a Pressmet alone and compare it against this list??? What can you say..
Don't mean to offend anyone on this list and god knows, I realize how hard it is to start your own business. If you really analyze this list, it is extremely weak fortifying our commercial tax base.
Ok I am on solid ground here.........Danas Barber shoppe & willy's burgers both opened in 2007........poss. late 2007 but def. 2007......... This reliable info....directly from the mayor of West Boylston St
I dont want any body to split hairs with me so I wouldnt do that to anyone else either. If the city put out similar list for 2007 and neither Danas nor Willys was on teh list........i'll givee em the benefit of the doubt.....
Inquiring minds nee to know we publish such alist annually or do we obnly publish it when it suits our agenda??.....i .e. when new bizzes open up
Some of the other other "STATS" on there intrique me too.......15 gazzilion books checked out of the public lieberry in 2008....gee worc does read??????........mmmmmmm ya so what and compared to what ???
Stats s/b compared to other stats to be really meaningfull
e.g. 10 % unemployment in some states....what they dont tell you the is that economy always has what is called "structural " unemployment of about 3-4%...on average over the long haul........maybe as low as 2% when things are good........
Some here in Worc would call this Pajama Unemployment [g]....
Gee....... good to see so many out and about pushing this decent early spring weather we/ve been having, except for a few colder days ealier thsi weeek. Weatehr historians say that often a bad early winter is follwed by a an early & warm spring........
And...anyone notice the city extended the close dates on the RFP's for the retail space in the Union Station and Maj. Taylor Blvd. garages....again.
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