Against my better judgement I read some comments today. Never again. The anonymous comments the Telegram lets people write is absurd and they need to start implementing the same standard as they do if you want to write a letter to the editor.
In fact many newspapers are starting to require that you must register to make comments. Honestly enough is enough. Here is an example, click here.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Bill thank you for your comments. I fell into this trap a little with Monday's article on the councilors committing to the lowest residential tax rate. The good news is that people are talking about it which surely is progress in Worcester. In addition, many of the concerns were really based on lack of information... for example, the city must find more and more ways to collect money from the same people if we can't increase our tax base in a logical way (i.e. trash bag fees, water rates, etc.). They must find ways to pay for all the services we all want in a city our size. I think we need to realize that some people just like to complain... they don't want to be a part of the solution. It is also easy to throw stones know one knows who you are! From day 1, all that we have asked is that we evaluate this idea like any other request that comes before our council. I have committed to not look at the T&G comments today because I see the businesses leaving, I see my residential tax rate going up to offset the exodus of businesses, I have seen the numbers that show the residents are now holding 70% of the tax burden which can only change by increasing our tax base. I also see the parks, pools, concerts, fireworks, schools, little leagues and non profits that depend on the support of local businesses. No one wants to pay more in taxes but we must find a way to address this like adults.
Beth Proko
Worcester Citizens for Business
BETH UNFORTUNATELY THE CITY COUNCIL is controlled by labor interests in Worc and the only way things will ever cahnge is once the city goes bankrupt.
This financial train wreck has been moving down the tracks for years now........gathering more & more steam with each passing year.
What happens in California eventually finds it way east.
Beth Rick Rushton said on Levys show last fall that Worc has 600 employees out Injured on duty status.can u imagine 5300 city empolyeees and 600 of them are out "hurt" here's good place to start but no councior will ever touch this issue..and..........after this attack the average of 10 sick days per year that the average city employee uses............
pull either of these above farces and in a private business & the business would out of bizz in no time
for Christ Sake Senor Jahn the city does not have to go needs more folks speaking up and with a plan unlike many of our leaders who speak with no plan and have no ideas other than what they see happening in other cities but they take little time to investigate....
You may not be geriatric but you speak with such a loser tone all the time...
Good Luck Beth....I got an e-mail regarding your venture and will take some time to look it over..
Local small business and property owner..looking to see folks change this city before it does go bankrupt..not after it goes bankrupt!
Remind me to never have an article about in the paper. Never mind my enemies, I can only imagine what my friends would post about me anonymously.
just last night me and four others put our drinks on yer tab you are getting next time you pop in:>)
Yo Bloggahs! Check out Harry T and his lovely bride Gina on Worcester News channel 3 at 10:00 and 11:00pm...
Harry T
Worcester, MA
Paulie we've been a bankrupt city for years b/c the city has been allowed to move the pension and accrued sick time liabilities off the books b/c bean counters let them..........the liabily is somewhere around 1/2 Billion to 3/4billion depending who is answering the question......and now I am sure it's even more with latest stock & bond market gyrations think am all the city head finance person and ask him
It's kinda like this Pualie............your familia has a 3 deckaaaaah with a $350,000 mortgage on is worth $200,000 tops.....up be upside down..right???? you somehow magically are allowed to move the $350,000 mortgage off la famila's "books" so now you're solvent re: the house to the tune of +$200,000.
Funny money.....u betcha
Paulie my tone is one of calling a spade a spade and calling a fact a fact.....i am a loser b/c i call a spade a spade???......the facts are has slowly been water boarded to the point we're further underwater than the Titanic....and each year it gets worse each pasiing year....
I predicteded this financial disaster that the city is now in over the last year or was no brainer.....and a year from now it will only be worse.........esp. if there's no more Nobama stimulus bucks coming to bail city out... a.k.a. printed money a.k.a. 12% inflation come 2011..
Meanwhile the pols worry about all kinds trivail baloney every tuesday night.
I need a rest from this raising my GD blood pressure.........soon my glass will 100% full (of Guinness) as i try to drown my taxpayers sorrows as May 1st approaches......
SEnor Jahn...I am well schooled in local was invented my way and worked it's way to point and no insult meant was that we are aware of your endless is time to take control and not go bankrupt..yah it is difficult but I see some cracks.
I am banging away down my way as hard as ever...and I will continue to do so.
I also like Mick O' is the misfit CC that is a real problme here...Tuesday night was a real eye opener about how disfunctional this group is..
BTW..feel free to harass me over my own endless rants:>)
This city has to cut per unit labor costs.....there is no other way out of this.......and pols will never,ever take back what they have given to labor short of going bankrupt.
Sorry for being a broken record. I just feel like a teacher trying to drive home some points and my class (the council) is asleep at the switch.
Now I pick up Holden-Mag this morning and it seems the Worc Housing Authority has a 5 year old tort case agains tthem for injuries the plaintive alleges are the result of an unshovled sidewalk............more BS....of the "do as I say not as I do mantra"
When is it going to end folks?
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