- income restrictions apply: in other words you need to be low income
- some units are also available at market rent: in other words we will have a couple of apartments non low income
657 Main Street
45 units
Cost of project=$20,000,000
657 Main Street
45 units
Cost of project=$20,000,000
45 units requires what......2 spaces per unit plus they are also required to provide parking for the first floor retail and how many spaces per sq foot of retail..so how many spaces they got out back there vs. what they are supposed to have?
I am curious what the rents are.
Is Uppaaaah Income Jahn expected to pay $1300 a month for an 1100 sq ft unit so I can listen to 224 Chandler St rap all day? And My 2 live-in girlfriends each require a parking spot for the Mercedes's I have bought them. What am I supposed to do........just stay where I live now. My current west side neighbors are not exactly enamored with my Saturday night parties.
Also, if the Hand It Over Theatre is building a restaurant next door to the theater.........dont they require copious amts of parking spaces? Do they already have the variances in hand or have they somehow finagled the spaces at the Fed'l Sq parkign garage to use for the restaurant parking requirements?
I'll tell you if Carrachiolio, Petrone, Raffa, COurtney et al were still the pinkie ring union boys in town.....they would be all over the millions in giveaways that the City has handed out of late........as well as the council 88% pay raise a year ago.
Knowing what I know now about being an urban pioneer I wouldn't rent here right from the outset.
I'll admit the prices are great with the utilities included if you fall into their guidelines, but I would be leery of what the makeup of the building would be as well as the quality of construction.
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