Despite offering some of the lowest airline fares, Allegiant is the nation's most profitable carrier and one of the very few that is growing amid a sharp downturn in travel. While the largest U.S. airlines reported losing billions of dollars, Allegiant profits soared nearly 200% in the first quarter to $28.2 million on revenues of $142.1 million.In April, Allegiant's passenger traffic surged 36% compared with a year earlier, and its planes were also more crowded, with nearly every flight flying with 90% of the seats occupied, up from about 87%. On many flights, the planes were completely full.
From the LA Times
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Maybe we'll hear some goods news from the new manager. ZHe should be coming up on his half-year anniversary and should be about done with the meet & greet and evaluation process
You forgot to say "We blew it with Allegiant..."
Harry T(he charlatan)
For Charlatans these guys are good.. The only announcement we want to hear right now is that Direct Air is not going to suspend service out of ORH.
Off topic but I'm suprised Jahn hasn't chimed in with his thoughts about the WFD after reading the cover story of this week's Worcester Magazine.
Just in case you haven't picked it up yet Jahn, here is the link -
Do you think he is JAHN-king our chain???
Harry T
Actually Harry, I think Jahn is a jake that got passed over for a promotion in the WFD, hence all of the anger. LOL!
Either that or Jahn is visiting Somerville again to take in a real city with a vibrant urban core!
hay WooTown City Boss Julie Jaconson was just recently telling a bus load of folks what a vibrant urban core it had with marvy hoods....someone should have asked her why she lives in Paxton and not in D4:>)
Like I have been saying for a long time now...until we get the Big Hosses livin' downtown and in the urban hoods..this city aint goin' no where!
I read my Womag at 600 am this morning. I just gave that WFD piece a quickie Evelyn Woods perusal.
Truth be told David they say eye aint smart enuff two be a FF'er sew there's no way I could have been passed over for a promo.
Like I said a quickie perusal early thsi only comment at thsi point is how these rugged, macho FF'ers seem to whine so much over the fact that one of their comrades will transferred across town or worse yet, cut from WFD.
Get over it, this is life and those that have been cut will eventually be rehired as others FF'ers retire. You could be working at a GM or Chrylser dealership now and theres no rehire coming down the pike in a year or two. Got ask these incessant whiners why they dont just leave for greener pasatures if a FF'ers worklife is so hard. I mean what's next, they going to call 1-800 Matress b/c sleeping is so hard, too?
OOOOppps another item that caught my eye. Chief Dio whining about being understaffed in summer time b/c all these guys get automatic summertime vacations. Well please wake up chief, next contract you decide when vacatiosn are taken and let the junior FF'ers take the winter vacations. Can anyone else ever see a private company allowing all staff to take summer vacatiosn that result in the business being under staffed in the summer.....esp if you're in the "safety business"
Should this even be called fire fighting any more? Seems to me more like rip Van Winlkes who respond to accidents more than anything else??
Just came from city hall......crossed the common.........not all that bad a bunch of people there......but no way in hell is a middle class women with money in her 600$ handbag ever going anywhere near that Common to go shopping. I left city hall only to hear one "common'er" yelling repeated F bombs into his cell phone...........went on for over a minute. It even awoke two snoozing possible Pajama patrons.
And David Sir, I am growing impatient re add'l announcemnts that you said were forth coming when/ after Unum bellied up to the bar.
and hey what about that skating rink it's Awl Dunne...I guess?????.........isnt it supposed to be a refelctiong pool thsi time of's all covered with leaves, etc
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