Next time you are on Pleasant Street by Dewey, check out the new building. Is it low to mod income? No, it will be the new office of Planned Parenthood. Serious question....
Does anyone know if this a for profit or non profit. In other words will they be payiing property taxes. In case you have not seen it, amazing.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
I just went on their web site and it appears they are a tax exempt organization. Here is a link to their most recent tax filings.
Random Friday thoughs:
a. we are over due for one of our usual letters to the editor writers (no names mentioned) to pen a piece that might even mention Yellow Boxes.
b. the taxpayers & donors to non profits have money for yellow boxes, but not to open pools?
c. who allowed our pools facilities to deteriorate to their current condition...?
d. Where are our building inspectors re: condition of the pools and why have they not been condemmed?
e. should employers be exempt from minimum wage requirement for summer help...dittos for payrolll taxes
f. Is it better to employ 2 high school kids at $4 per hr ...vs...1 high school kid at $8...given the intent is life work experience, keeping kids busy in the summer, & and not nec. making lotsa $$$$.
g. Where is /what has happened to Rob Spellane...he seems to have disappeared?
h. what's up (or down) with T&G blogs?
i. is it time to get a real local personality on WTAG's afternoon drive talk show?
TGIF.....gud weakend two awl
Jahn said "i. is it time to get a real local personality on WTAG's afternoon drive talk show?"
Jahn, at least WTAG is still local in the afternoon. Their sister stations in Springfield (WHYN-AM) and Providence (WHJJ-AM) are all syndicated programming after morning drive.
Speaking of WTAG, I penned a letter to the editor about them to the T&G yesterday. Hopefully they'll run it in its entirety.
JAHN! I was driving down Shrewbury Street today and noticed they are fixing up the salt sheds! All your years of bitching have finally paid off! Let's just say, you kept rubbing SALT in the wound!!!
Harry T
Worcester, MA
Harry last I saw the one on E Mtn St which is the worst of them all is still an accident waiting to happen.
I wish Wormtown would snap a few shots of that salt shed and e-mail them to the city buildings dept. and them post the pics on here....maybe it will give Rushton another reason to file another order to bust the Managers cahonnes........geeeeeeeeesh
What used to be on that site? I ma losing my memory
Where's the parking............looks like maybe an elevated building that you drive under with parking in the rear?...........should make for lotsa anonymity with parking lot obscured in the rear....I wish the Fine Arts theater had a rear parking lot when I was kid......!!!!!!
Gee from what i saw, looks like there are not even enough spaces for the employees parking?
And a lone protestor out there this morning at 1000am.......signs of things to come.............maybe a few homeless panhandlers there would add some real flavor to the situation...???........with lotsa warms bodies protesting this could really tie up the traffic even more in that area
Dont they have a protst/vigil every Fri morning at the one on Lincoln St.
Bill, did u already mention this as adding to (or expansion) of local business?
Looking like another nice weekend, but I am missing my 4 legged pal :(
I never mentioned this as adding to our base??
There use to be some doctors offices in this building along with some other offices.
They paid alot of money for the building just to tear it down. Not sure of the exact number of spots but there are going to be plenty. I believe that they are having parking underneath the building.
I never mentioned this as an expansion of the tax base?
No i dont think you did mention it.............thats why I was asking........wonder if the city will list it in their 2010 fiscal yr end report as an expansion of exsiting Worc Business??
Yrs ago they used to be on Main St in Commerce Building or Slater building...........then out to Lincoln back to the central area of the city........
Wonder if gub'mint $$$ is being spent here. If it is .........i wonder if its a union /rated job?
Kinda funny how most gubmint funded projects require union/rated pay.....yet CDC 's with all their gov't funding are not req'd to pay union least from what i see of the contrators who are working on their jobs ???
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