I am going to utilize this blog to get the word out more on what is transpiring with the Chandler Street NRSA. By that our latest projects, upcoming meetings, events and financials statements from the inception to the current day. Within the next week I hope to have the financials done.
Besides Paulie's Jazz Festival on July 11th, where all profits go to the National Autism Association, I have learned the African Festival has moved from Canterbury Street to Chandler and Park Ave on August 1st.
Picture of Chandler NRSA facade project at 216 Chandler Street, Suney's.
Besides Paulie's Jazz Festival on July 11th, where all profits go to the National Autism Association, I have learned the African Festival has moved from Canterbury Street to Chandler and Park Ave on August 1st.
Picture of Chandler NRSA facade project at 216 Chandler Street, Suney's.
Buy Worc...Buy Local.....MMMMM
Last couple of years I see more & more excavating contractors doing sewer & pipeline work for the city who are from out of the area.
I know this work goes out by sealed bids and everyone hands may be tied.........but it just seems ironic that a city advocating "BUY LOCAL" & BUY WORC NOW" has large constr projects that are rated union jobs being done by excavating contractors from Glouster (Cape Ann Equipment) & Springfield (Bourget [or some name like that ]) & Fitchburg (Alpert Paving) just to name a few that I can recall.
You are right and we are trying to change this. That is what I am trying to do here.
When I know that there are projects that we are going to invest monies in. I will post them on the blog and I urge people who may be interested in bidding them to contact us.
Does anyone find it unusual the state dept of public health has passed a regulation that says any restairant with more than 20 outlets in Mass will have to post calorie information for what they serve.
More anti business rules.
So the state dept public health is only concerned about the health of those who dine only in chain restaurants that have 20 or more outlets in Mass.
So I can have the big one b/c I chowed down at Joes & Moe's Diner all my life and the Nannie state doesnt care about me?
Logic please?
Reminds of the law for police details at all roadway constr sites, but only for private constr. companies. City municipal constr. crews are not req'd to have police details at roadway constr sites. Conclusion...the safety of city employed constr crews is irrelevant ????? (or the laws aim only to extort money from private companies for the benefit of public [police] employees).
Does anyone wonder why they call us Mass- Hole- Achusetts?
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