Thanks Sprout, story in the Telegram. Worcester's number 1 growth industry strikes again. Now, we are moving out of Main South and on to Gateway Park and the old Trade High School with Winn Management, who recently purchased Chevalier Furniture.
The most important buzz word here is "housing subsidies" which means low to mod income housing. The thing misssing, however, is what percentage of the apartments will need to be "low to mod" income housing?
Updated map.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
I am wondering is Winn Managemnt from Woburn area. I Cant help but think of the Winn St exit off 128 that runs to both Woburn & Burlington. (Near Paulies old turf)
If this company is from out of the area, we're becoming a magnet (or already are one) for NOLO developers who maybe cant build the NOLO's in their own areas.
NOLO's are a NO Winn for Worcester. We're 40% over the state mandated miniumum for NOLO's so the city can stop this baloney just by saying no to NOLO's.
Did anyone catch Nick K today ( 5-17) re: his piece on Pilot payments.
I quote: "The argument for pilot payments has been that the colleges and their students use many municipal services w/o paying taxes for them"......
So therefore we should seek pilot payments from all who use municiapl services w/o paying for them......HUH....????
a. Pajama people using the PIP
b. Smaller non profits like Dismas House, Community Health Link, Gensis Club, Key Program and the Boys Club.
c. Federal & State property in Worcester.
d. Massport.
e. The churches
f. The Hospitals.
g. The Hand it Over Theatre
The list is endless.
As city taxpayer, I am feeling more and more like Non profit
If I am a college, I am feeling discriminated against b/c none of the other non profits are expected to ante up. Where's the EOPP?(Equal Opportunity Pilot Program)
And HC has already given us( leased to the The Tornados) The Hand It Over Field Baseball Park. So is HC now expected to pony a 25 year annuity for the city?
If I am Holy Cross, I telling Palmieri to take his Pilot Program and SHOVE(L) it. Esp. given how he has tried to steal O'Briens thunder on engineering a deal with WPI to pony up.
Time for VOIICE there Mr P.
what I find interesting is how little we ask of those that use the social welfare net and for so long without requiring anything back from them.....yet the most productive are asked to give until their backs are bent backwards...
Paulie, as had been said here before, Worcester would be a real hell hole w/o the college and hospital industry and neither of them is going out of business any time soon.
I did allude to WPI closing up in a proir post on here, but I was just using it as an example of what could happen to a 25 year stream of payments if the payor ceases to exist.
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