I read this in Nick K's story today:
While the city is not opening any of its nine municipal pools because of budget constraints, it will be opening its four beaches: Bell Pond, Shore Park, Indian Lake and Coes Pond. The state, meanwhile, will be opening and staffing its beaches at Quinsigamond State Park and at Regatta Point. It also will be opening its pools at Vernon Hill Park and Bennett Field.
Call me crazy, but maybe we should simply focusing transporting people to the pools and beaches that are open versus trying to open any of the municipal pools?
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Why don't we work something out with the WRTA. I do not think you are crazy.. ( On this issue anyways)....We should focus on that. They could make bus schedules up with times... Maybe WRTA could discount for pool runs...
The city councilors are just exercising their usual political posturing on the issue of opening pools. They know it is not going to happen but it looks good to the voting public to go on record supporting the pools. Most of them are Pols first (what positions will get me reelected for as long as I want to run) and have the best interests of the city a distant second.
As for the WRTA discounting for pool runs, printing schedules, etc., if you haven't heard signman, they are seriously considering eliminating all weekend service and/or raising fares to keep running any bus service at all.
There's only 1 letter diff between pols & pools
Kind alike theres only 1 letter diff between teh word sex and the word yes spelled backwards
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