Remember these guys?? They are fighting a proposed low to mod income development by Winn Mgmt to take over an abandoned Longhill Garden Apartments. Instead the group wants the city to build the new Forest Park Middle School. Springfield Forward member George Pappas told 22 News that building a school would save the city money and would create much needed jobs.
Winn, why fight in Springfield, pictured above are the Springfield Forwward people stating their case at a Springfield Finance Control Meeting. Come to Worcester where we will roll out the red carpet!! We found a place in the Canal District, now Gateway Park---lets bring them into City Square?
Everyone else but the “powers that be” in Worcester gets it…another case in point. My brother lives in Oakdale, Pennsylvania about 15 minutes outside Pittsburgh. To say the best days of Oakdale are behind them is an understatement.
After years of trying to attract development of any sorts, they finally had a developer that was showing interest in building 25 new townhouses in the town. The only stipulation the Mayor and town council had when the developer approached Oakdale officials was that the new development would NOT include LIH. You guessed it; the 25 townhouses have been approved and will break ground without a LIH component. Worcester officials need to do the same or we will be the “new” Springfield.
In answer to a couple of earlier inquiries from you regarding new tenant announcements in the CitySquare project; they will be made in conjunction with the groundbreaking announcement for UNUM.
no-lo income housing is a huge component of Congressman McGoverns plank....until there is local opposition to Jim and I do not mean from a candidate perspective but from a local leadership perspective we are not going to see a change...I do not see the current city leadership taking on Jim on this issue unless enough folks within the urban core who are voting, are investing and are active politically join together and form a block.
No-Lo income developers and folks from the social safety net crowd have many seats at the table in this city
if this block does not develop the city will die..when it does we will see the change
Thought this may be of interest. In tomorrows city council meeting item 7.39E looking to approve $254,700.00.
Looking at the attachments online I see $3,520.00 for new mats (are these specially made w/ logos on them?)
Also see $30,00 for electricians to change runway lights vs custodian. (Is a certified electrician required or is it just a matter of changing lightbulbs?)
$118,780.00 in fringe benefits?
(4) proximity suites for crash crew staff (what are proximity suites?)
I do see these expenxes will be reimbursed by Massport @79%, but won't this also be deducted from the sales price if Massport buys the airport. Just some questions I'll be looking for answers for at tomorrow nights city council meeting.
I agree 100% with you about Jim McGovern & co.
At least the Mayo Group is trying to get something going in the Franklin, Portland, and Salem St. area downtown. Nice article in the Sunday Telegram.
Too bad the restaurant and supermarket fell through at the former Bancroft site. If they had come to fruition along with the Mayo group’s renovated residential component, we may have had the makings of a vibrant inner city urban neighborhood.
From today's WBJ Noon Update - Worcester’s Hadley Building Ready For Tenants
From the article, Economic Development Finance Corp. (EDFC) specializes in developing workforce housing for tenants making between 80 percent and 140 percent of the state's median income. The update states that 12 of the new units have been pre-leased.
I believe a proximity suite is for the Airport Crash Fire & Resue personnel located in he terminal during commercial flights but still close enough for fire-fighting equipment access for the required response time in case of an emergency
Is it possibly proximity suits and not proximity suites? May be theres a typo in council agenda? Wats wrong wit dem folks, Kent dey tipe?
A proxity suit (not a suite) is a firefighting "garment" made esp. for high temperature fires, such as aircraft fires.
Dave, the reason I know this is b/c I got it wrong on FF'er exam. What's the old saying, learn by your mistakes.
Dave Z:
These units will rent out fast. They are brand new and they can take vouchers... The better question would be how many of these pre-leased apartments, market rent. Or how many of them have vouchers.
The tough part here will be to get tenants on the ground commercial floor. The low to mod income apartments will rent out fast.
I think a "great" store in the commercial space would be a dollar store. TFIC
Google both proximity suite and proximity suit. Thanks Jahn...you're the winner.
Question now is, is the city of Worcester eventually footing the tab for equipment eventiually to be used by Massport personnel?
Can we add this to the sales price?
I think many of the local Pols fall in line with Jim because he has been able to bring money for these project back to the city and the mentality here is no money is worse...where else would a city be applauding no-lo income housing in the Canal District-a supposed area of residential & commercial vibrancy for the city..I am being told by folks that having anyone down there is better than no one...this is not saying much....
Lettuce know awl-sew fourget that more NOLO types means more kids for the schools = more teachers to be hired tolive in the burbsto vote for Havana Jim....as Carr calls him.
I'll tell I have had to travel to a few distant burbs of late and there is nuttin like pulling into the local suburban Hess station in a burb and looking around and seeing no Paulie Pajama People Pumping...seeing No tattoo's...seeing No size 66 pants on a 130 lb person...etc...etc
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