Still nothing on the airport?
The more I look at the traffic and Direct Air, I am getting very concerned as to how flights will continut during the summer.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
I know Le Mirage/Mirage Express restaurant has been disappointed with the number of passengers lately. She's keeping her fingers crossed for Massport to come in.
Unrelated thought - What do we think about yesterday's report in the T&G about Winn Dev. turning the old Voke into housing?
Paper says, "David P. Forsberg, president of the Worcester Business Development Corp., said the housing at the former vocational school will be attractive to scientists, researchers, academics, and students working across the street at Gateway Park."
Cool thought, but Winn is doing the "affordable" rentals at the Chevalier we suspect this will also turn into an "affordable" project?
rumor has been on the street about this for a wee bit Sprout....your concerns are's to bad The Mayo Group is not also within the Canal District
"Mr. McGovern said the money is also expected to leverage another $17.5 million for the housing project, including historic tax credits, housing subsidies, and private funds."
>>those two words just always seem to go hand in hand with Jim..."housing subsidies"
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