Acording to the Telegram's editorial IMG's report "sharpens" options for the airport?? In other words, there was nothing new here but what we already knew was "sharpened" for a mere $100,000. Next time anything needs to be "sharpened" at ORH, I will do it for $10,000 and save the City of Worcester $90,000.
The editorial, however, brings up one one good question:
"The IMG report, coupled with the master plan (Leigh Fisher) and the FAA survery (assume they mean the New Engand Regional Air Study Plan) still in the works, will provide a solid foundation for decision-making yet to come."
When will the results from these two studies be released?? According to the city web site under the "Master Plan" link, both are to be completed by the fall, 2005. We need to get these studies behind us so that decisions are actually finally made, versus delayed, waiting for the next study.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
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