Sorry did not want to spend the 1.95 for the archived article, but here is a portion from the Telegram:
Neglect turned park into eyesore
Published on July 28, 2006, Article 9 of 35 found.
WORCESTER - At noon on a recent day in a small city park once touted as the centerpiece of a $10 million downtown restoration, a homeless man was sleeping on a rusty bench.
The overgrown shrubs behind him are littered with empty vodka bottles, cigarette butts and discarded soda cans. A grimy sleeveless white T-shirt lies in a now-empty blue pool at the base of an ornate cast-iron fountain that has been disconnected for a long time. Welcome to Federal Plaza Park, renovated with $960,000 of (Worcester Telegram & Gazette (MA), 902 words.)
Driving today in my car listened into Rush for a bit and heard him mention Worcester and a story by Clive McFarlane in the Worcester Telegram something about Seabury Heights apartments and how they have to keep the heat on until June 15th?
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Jahn is growing impatient.
a. Cascadingwaters has still not answered my question that i asked twice the need for more public investemnt in the area of the new pocket park on Pleasant st......what & where and please be specific.....thanx
b. Bill, what's the scoop on the "park" that is (or was) on Ethan Allen St..........ditto's fro Mains South CDC "public garden" or park that was supposedly built on Kilby or Gardner St.......was it ever built....what condition is it in now??
Thanks guys
And let us not forget the $750,000 just to do a feasability study re: Mr Fletchers Water Park.
Thank God we at least already own the waterway.....which I understand is under Harding St......of course then there's always the little issue of condemnation & taking by eminent domain the property that belongs to any abutters...and along with that teh compensation to be paid to property owners for the required takings.
I sure hope this doesnt end up like the eminent domain compensation for medical city did...........I wonder if anyone here remembers how that finally turned out.......if not then a little clue:
the City (taxpayers) got their proverbial clock cleaned plus interest at what.......12% ???
Finally read yesterdays (Thurs) T&G late last night.
We need a standing headline for the T&G..........something to the effect:
Courtney & Raffa claim the City is treating the fire dept unfairly.
Has anyone in all their days ever seen such weeping, and crying, & belly-aching from a particular group.
Some people need a real life lesson re: what its like to work a real job.
Anyone unhappy with any aspect of their livlihood should seek new employment, IMO.
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