I only caught a small piece of the City Council meeting on the Wyman Gordon parcel property. Not sure why we are talking about about someone else's piece of private property, when we have many of our own parcels of property that we need to take care of.
Agree with Councilor Palmieri to take it off the monthly Economic Development Agenda. Lets focus on assets like the Airport, the Aud and Green Hill Gold course. His motion was rejected.
Also Councilor Clancy mentioned that the proposed mixed use development did not proceed because the buyer and seller could not agree to a price. If I recall correctly, and I am 99% sure, was that the proposed buyer could not get the zone change to finalize the deal.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Didnt I read somewhere recently that WG maybe be looking to expand.
Maybe for old times sake we could use a few old smokestacks in the Canal District??
I assume it's still zoned manufacturing on Madison St?
The more I think about this, I vividly remember the Telegram doing an editorial on this. Blaming the City of Worcester for not making a zone change to allow a mixed use project on a manufacturing zoned parcel..
Not 100% sure still but 95% sure that there was a sale by Wyman Gordon to a proposed developer, but it fell through due to zoning not price.
That's my recollection, too.....but if Mr Fletchers Water Park becomes reality........i would think the city would be best served w/o manufacturing on that parcel...........which begs teh question........will they be forcedto re- zone it to retail........which they supposedly refused to do a few yrs. back.
The real problem is that the council somehow thinks they should determine what is sited on private property.......and frankly it's scarey...........
I heard yesterday (Rush?) that the famous Kelo "eminent domain" taking in New London, Ct. is nothing more then a barren parcel right now....and no de'vment has occured yet.....and that decsision came dwon in 2006 (?)
I thought I had also heard awhile back that they did re-locate the Kelo residence.........as opposed to razing it...(WTH do they thing they are...Main South CDC? )
The words "eminent domain" were floated around last night regarding the Wyman parcel, but was shot down. I was amazed that it was even floated.
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