What does City Manager O'Brien mean when he says "it will take 30-50 more permanent new housing units". Let me get this right. We have a tough time monitoring one PIP shelter so we want to replace it with 30-50 smaller PIP's spread all around the City of Worcester?
I do not get it..
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Yeah, push the poor bastards into neighborhoods where they're not wanted and Haller will come back with another issue she will use to increase her profile with the voters. The voters in Worcester are really gullible.
Bill, based on the current PIP population of around 100 (depending on weather), I bet "unit" means something closer to "room" than "building." Based on my past reading, I think that opening a number of smaller shelters has been the "PIP replacement plan" all along.
That actually does make more sense... He must have mean, as you say "rooms" , not buildings.
we cant double them up 2 to a room?
Worc should buy a farm out in Oakham or elsewhere........far removed from Main South....board these ne'er do wells out there................let them farm the land....if they want/need a drink.............let them start hiking............
would be much cheaper on a per room/uint basis.........buy a van to truck them out there 1x a day........if they want to leave.......again let start hiking.
enough of this kid glove treatment for hobo's........these arent 1st graders.......
WOnder if any will demand a vegan diet?
If you ever want to see what South Main Street COULD be someday, check out Thayer Street in Providence, RI.I was there yesterday and it ROCKED.
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
I say push the poor bastards completely out of the city:>)
Peace Love Dove & Hippie Beads
1/2 of the urban core in Worcester is homeless without free housing,free food,free medical,free legal,free daycare..free education
we got three unlicensed PIP Shelters on Winfield and one next door to me
I wanna know why all those Albanian gals at the Dunkin Donuts on Chandler & at Kelley Square can arrive in the USA unemployed..can't speak English and in a short period of time have jobs (working 40+ hours a week)..learn English..have their own apartments..mostly cause they spend less time on parks and more time on work:>)
Damn Paulie you hit right on the head. Hundreds of foreigners come here with nothing and build lives. What does that say about us? Maybe we need "work farms" to train our social rejects with basic job and citizenship skills instead of letting them suckle on the States' fiscal tits.
Work farms, is that a politically incorrect term?
I am for anything that has the word "work" in it..again stop by 224 Chandler Street to see all the stay at home mom & dads..trash bags out front, debris all over the backyard..clothes hanging off the windows, fences (not anymore:>).....politically correct..who cares-LOSERS
Has anyone ever seen anyone working around the house at 224 Chandler Street??? except for me and my staff?? not one working in the house so they have plenty of time to get involved with the upkeep:>) Naw cause we do not require a return on what hard working folks fork ovah...not even the simplest of task's like keeping the house one lives in clean:>)
Hey Paulie sweetie! Why don't ya start posting again on your site? We miss ya! Love, Margie
Stop carousing and do some posting on your site. You're slacking off. Cheers, Ed
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