There is a story in the Telegram, that I can not find the link, but Dave Zimage sent me a link to NECN. There were other planes.
Great story, but was anyone aware of this event? Yesterday was a great opportunity to market the general aviation possibilities of ORH to potential passengers and businesses. Why wasn't this event marketed in advance?
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Bill , et al:
WARNING!!! WARNING !!! You may see another TEMBENIS article in tomorrow's T&G ...
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
Cut the s---. I will not read the paper tomorrow.. If there are any good articles can someone please e-mail them to me
If I really wanted to rub it in, I could say pre-order Jenny McCarthy's book, due out on September 23, 2008:
...which features more TEMBENIS stories...
Harry Tembenis
Worcester, MA
Looks like I'm kicking Paulie's butt in the PR front, eh?
I am starting to wonder about what happened when Harry Met Jenny (not Sally).
The event was was advertised in the airport minutes March 2008.
Are you shittin me?? You consider posting this event in the airport minutes as promoting the event.
It was an invitation only event geared towards those with the money to make purchases for the Porsces and aircraft on display.
I.E. If you have to ask the price, you probably should not be at the event.
Made sense not to advertise publically.
Linear Air had their brande new VLJ, the Eclipse there, who are in the air taxi business. Every business in Worcester County should have know about this. What about people who travel to the islands, what better then a ride on the Eclipse?
There very easily could have been a private invite only session. Then later a general admission to show off these planes and ORH.
This is exactly the type of event that we need. Chalk this up to another missed opportunity.
O'Kay Anonymous:
You know that it was advertised in the March minutes.
You know alot of details about the event.
Why don't you tell us all who you are??
I know you won't.
The "air taxi" honchos are looking for the people with the cash .
i.e. golfers willing to spend $999 each on air travel alone to go to the "islands" or Myrtle Beach...not $99.00 rountrip.
Private pilots at Worcester knew commercial aviation was a bust long before Massport showed up.
Let us handle business at our airport Bill.
The "air taxi" honchos are looking for the people with the cash .
i.e. golfers willing to spend $999 each on air travel alone to go to the "islands" or Myrtle Beach...not $99.00 rountrip.
Private pilots at Worcester knew commercial aviation was a bust long before Massport showed up.
Let us handle business at our airport Bill.
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