Story in the paper about how two City Councilors and the City Manager were behind on some bills. Personally I got no trouble with that and in fact I am behind on a couple water bills too. If nothing else it proves the efficiency of the Treasurer's Office and all the more reason why Executive Office of Neighborhood Services (EONS) should not be administering things like the Mico-Loan program.
In the past I have dealt with EONS. Trying to merely put together a simple Income and Expense Statement for the Chandler NRSA was actually impossible to do. Jahn, let me say that again it was impossible to get done. In fact we needed the help of the Treasuer's office and the CFO to step in and finally get it done.
Where is the HUD audit anyhow? How much you want to be that it says EONS needs to have better control of cash disbursements and better reporting?
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
1 comment:
Good Lord, I had a bad day today and now I come home for din din and re read in detial this baloney about councilors not paying their bills timely. I too f'ed up 2 very small water bills last summer when I was away at BeachHill Blooger rehab. I caught the omission when i got back home and paid them immediately including the $5.00 x 2 late payment penalties before the city even billed me. I knew interest would be due too but I let them calculate that for me b/c I didnt go to SJ and I only took Modern math in public high therefore these kinda calculations are like the roof.........." over my head" as the saying goes.
Wonder when the hell they are going to get Main South CDC to pay all their taxes..everytime Ilook , their bills are in arrears.
Sutner & caywood gotta dig deeper on this MLK "DEFERRED LOAN" OF $500,000. i MENA FORGET the chump change..lets get this 500,000back and lets see exactly What & where MLK did as far using the money for its intended purpose as well as MLK's money (skin in the game) that was to be commited as part of thsi $500,000. No one will touch it. Since when does MLK qualify for a Mirco Bisuines loans....last i checked they are a non profit that leaches off of my hard earned dineros.
AND and and.....Cm Obrien thinks 70% payback on these Micros is a good track record......HUH???????
I outted Palmieri on here 2-3 yrs ago about his alleged demimimus amt. of back taxes as well his alleged water bill on alleged commercial property. I mean come on the guy is allegedly retired from the courthouse and I thought I had heard or read his wife is allegledly a teacher. Like I say not sure if this is true but if it is......i mean they cant cough up the unpaid money???
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