Not the State Rep, but the lawyer who worked for the City of Worcester. Just found out he took the retirement package and no longer works for the City of Worcester. Not sure how long he worked for the City of Worcester, but it has to be over 20 years.
Sorry to see him go. Can think of alot of other people I wish would have taken the package, but not him. This guy knew his stuff and was accessible... Whereever you are, John thanks for all your help and good luck with whatever you are doing.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Imagine a high ranking Worc official taking a job in an abutting municipality and then 4 months later Pharmasphere moves into that municipality's industrial park........stranger things have happened.
Imagine your local dog pound has 22 dogs available for adoption.....and 21 of them are pitbulls.............well you do not have to imagine one central Mass cummunity it is reality. Dam Doggie Demographics!
Google WARL. I feel kinda bad for these dedicated folks at WARL who have a no kill kill policys unintended consequences = the gangbangers canines have taken over on Holden St leaving no room at the inn for other more adoptable dawgs. (Why do city dog officers have to be part of the WPD?)
Imagine it is Christmas time and The Hand It Over Theatre allows free admission to all Worcester citizens for all of December as partial payback (at 1% interest) for the zillions in Worc. taxpayers subsidies The Hand It Over Theatre has rec'd...including tax exempt status. Woocard not even necessary.
Further imagine free dinner after the show in the adjacent Hand it Over Theatre Restaurant. Keep imagining b/c they still havent built the restaurant (last I knew anyway)
Also heard Jodi Kennedy, at code, another good may have taken the package.
What's the hold up with JJ's departure.....thot that it was almost a foregone conclusion....salary negotiations gittin' stalled?....might be better to stick around for Worc's next years early retirement buyout.....
I wonder how old these 2 newest Worc. retirees are?
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