Does anyone think they shoveled their sidewalks? Wait a second, they have not put up the $1 yet to take title of the property, although they were awarded the property via the RFP process 3 years ago. Right now the owner is still the City of Worcester who is exempty from the sidewalk ordinance.
On another note I was up at 5AM this monirng plowing and I almost hit a guy jogging on Richmond Ave. In the dark during a blizzard, can I make a suggestion to anyone thinking of going for a jog--IT IS NOT A GOOD IDEA!!!!!
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
8 months ago
Bill said, "can I make a suggestion to anyone thinking of going for a job--IT IS NOT A GOOD IDEA!!!!!"
So will you be paying everyone's bills seeing it's not a good idea to go for a job? :)
Meant jog not job. Has been changed.
Maybe the city can find some elderly people on the next street over and make them shovel it.
I knew that Bill. I was being facetious.
If you were not testing you would have seen him
Correction testing
OK, Worc's 1st real sno fall of winter 2010-2011 has come and gone. Expect the usual letters to the editor about Worc's unplowed/ unshoveled crappy streets & sidewalks.
In the autumn & spring its drunken crusaders watering watering Mrs Jones daffodils, in the winter its rants about snow covered streest & sidewalks, and in the summmaaaah it's complaints about arid, PCB laced, pitbull infested city swimming pools.
These Worc seasonal afflictions never really get properly addressed b/c by the time they get in front of the City Council the season for a particular complaint has passed & no one gives a rats ass about unshoveled sidewalks on Patriots Day.
NOw, I dont want this to be taken personally by anyone and maybe it's just me, but is anyone else fed up with these pick up truck plow guys who think they own the god dam road w/their flashing yellow lights & who also drive way too fast for existing road conditions......all in an attempt to get to their next plowing job with their brand new REd or Yellow plow. SLOW the ++++ down !!!!!!!!!.
Many of these cowboys drive like a junkie who has been w/o a fix (a.k.a. a snow storm) for the entire month of Dec. and they come out of the gate like a bunch greyhounds chasing The Chief at Raynham.
Now I drove a snow plow many moons ago...but i was not a cowboy behind the wheel. A 17 ton B-81 Mack snow plow is just not capable of rapid acceleration and high speeds..........but it does have a nice cab to sleep in (on the job snoooooze after 9-10 of blizard sno plowing it doesnt have an IAFF decal on the rear window :)
Last comment, I am also sick and ++++'ing tired of trying to get sno cleared off my sidewalk w/in 8 hrs of the end of a storm. How many times have we heard city councilors complain about unfunded mandates from Beacon Hill or Washington DC.....for example like water quality standards from teh EPA that cost the Upper Blackstone Pollution Control District billions every years. Well city council how about this dam unfunded mandate that says I am responsible for clearing the snow off of your MOFO sidewalk. ENOUGH IS ENUFF. Maintain your own real estate and if you cannot then it is high time you got out of the real estate business.
Is the Wormtown Fleet doing any drive by photography of Phil Palmieri's sidewalks?! Jeff would be soooooooo proud!
Harry T
Classic Jeff...
Harry T
More Jeff...
Harry T
Has Worc Common Grd shoveled their Mason St sites....both the over grown lot and the duplex?
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