There was a story in the Telegram today about how they changed the bank into a loan center, click here. Why do you think they did this????
Now this is completely unconfirmed but my opinion, but how many times had this bank been held up the past 3-4 years? How much business do you think the retail tellers actually did here??
I would chalk this up as closed business.
Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
Still a full service bank branch as well.
I stand corrected
Did not go in...
Just walked by and did not think there was any more retail
Did a local sign company get the awning job?
I am pretty sure that Worcester "Home Town" bank hired and out of town sign company.
I challenge someone to park along that section of Franklin St and try to figure out the Signage...or lack of signage in the 1st turn out that is just east of the alley that runs paralell to Mai St. Has a few beheaded parking meters there
Word Verfication: Flatio....
No parking meters, no worries.
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