November 03, 2009

Editorial on Philly Plan

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1 comment:

Jahn said...

To STEAL A PHRASE FROM Wm. R. Jr., ........AM i THE ONLY ONE WHO THINKS these robots standing outside the poll holding signs for the candidate who keeps them in a job SHOULD BE OUTLAWED and if allowed at all should only be allowed where they cannot be seen from anywhere on the polling site. There is absolutely no need for all these warm body hacks getting in my way .................stay the ++++ out of my sight.

Wonder how many city employees are out sick today vs the average # city employees out sick on any given day...........oooooops i forgot blame it on the municiipal version of H1N1.

I cast my 4 votes today (didnt vote for any scholl comm. candidates) and I had to chuckle to myself...............And there is a long disabled Firefighter ( turned small contractor) holding a sign for Tate Koomey and not for Kostello...and the guys vehilce is parked as close to the polling place as possible & is parked about 12 ft from a fire hydrant........i think the law is 10 feet.....geeeeeesh