November 28, 2009


Day after T-day, November 27th, tipped the scales at a all-time high of 230 pounds. Paul, you have inspired me. I have a goal of 210 by April 1st? Five pounds per month for four months.

Worcester Fitness and Jared's Subway diet here I come.


Paulie's Point of View said...

I'll be at Institute Park in the morning doing some hill there or be 240lbs. in another month:>)

Paulie's Point of View said...

I am heading over to University Park right now to do some hill repeats..put down your cafe latte,remove your toes from the heated poo, take your bathrobe off and put on some shorts and meet me ovah there....real me do hill repeats on Sunday mornin' not sip cafe latte:>)

Anonymous said...

Save the Worcester Fitness and Subway cash, go to Paulie's S&M dungeon and have a salad at EVO...

Harry T(ippin the scale)

Bill Randell said...


at the store now..

Hit Worcester Fitness this morning for a few reps and a two mile job. Will be over the Chandler Street Gym this week.


Anonymous said...

230 ...240 .... lightweights!

Harry T

Paulie's Point of View said...

I'm still hovering at 252...but have been losing that lb. a week bullshite...

will be in the high 240's soon enough...still having major problems with the running

to think I could go out and pop a 10-13 miler every Sunday is amazing to me today

Anonymous said...

Exercise is important, yes, but I also have a suggestion that worked wonders for me: Cut out all soft drinks regular and diet. Drink water instead. Dropped 20 pounds six years ago and I have kept it off by staying off of the soda.