November 03, 2009


15% voter turn-out today,

6:55PM..... Here is my other prediction, I think Casella stands a very good chance of beating Smith.. As far as the other races, I have no clue.


David Z. said...

Boston already had 11% turnout by Noon according to an article at

Chris said...

15% Does that surprise anyone? Honestly, considering quality of the candidates, 15% is pretty high.

Jahn said...

I once knew of a fellow with what I think as the exact same name who was a fire fighter and and an elcetrician and lived in Holden?

Or maybe he was a Castello or a Cassella or someting similar???

This was about 3-4 years ago.

Must be a mere coincidence???

Anonymous said...

government is run by the people who show up

Paulie's Point of View said...

not for nuttin' Chris....but have you met the candidates? Where is this next tier of top prospects hiding out?

I would say that the candidates are fairly representative of the city population that votes...