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Same Time Next Year
It’s been nearly a year since I wrote about the problems that come from
having 11 bosses who are not on the same page about anything, as well as
7 months ago
2 comments: are right, let's not compare us to Boston...let's pick on someone our own size... how about Providence? You remember my Worcester Tornadoes Can Am championship rant? ... getting back to that theme how the 'movers and shakers' in the city gave zero support for such incredible exposure? Last weekend in Providence was suppossed to be the last WaterFire event until the spring ... until a surprise announcement came up that there would be 1 more waterfire event on Halloween, October 31st! Guess who stepped up and made this happen?
...and I quote from this website...
"Sponsored by Providence hotels,Restaurants, The Providence Tourism Council & The Amadeus Project"
Yup, every vested stakeholder in that city who has made a buck off of the past Waterfires stepped up and are putting on a FANTASTIC event for the Providence area !!!
Why can't we have 'movers and shakers' like that here in Worcester?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!
Harry T(ruth hurts)
BTW, Providence city coffers are in a helluva worse scenario than Worcesters, yet they are making this happen !!!!!
Harry, what Worc. weekly event(s), such as Waterfire would our Worc business folks sponsor?
Maybe a fireworks display funded with the reduced revenues our hospitality indusrty will be experiencing as a result of the meals tax increase?
A skating rink fest???...hey at least we have a rink vs. a Canalfest that doesnt have a Canal and we could ask our pushcart vendors who will be selling on the Common to fund the Skatefest??? Maybe arm them with 3" knives for self defense.
My post the other day re exactly who markets the city of Worcester was mean to make a point that we need ONE & ONE ONLY city marketing dept..........and if they cant bring anything into the city ,the buck stops with them.............thsi notion of C of C. or a Visitors/Cenvention Bureau, and the other myriad marketing schemes (Buy Worc or Buy Local) all mean well, but they are structured all wrong with no accountablity and one has to wonder if they actaully are competing with other to Worc's detriment.
LIKE ALL large co's we need ONE AGIAN ONE marketing dept for the entire city........just like one police fire dept...that way we know where to lay the blame or the credit for a job not done well or a job done well.
BTW marketing is an entirely diff. game than econ dev'ment.
Dewey........we're 1/2 way through Oct...........WTH is my "Ceremonial" ground breaking and I am still waiting for the defintion of a ceremonial GB'ing vs. a real GB'ing ceremony ????
Bill we need to know what permits have been applied for and /or issued re City Sq. MAybe find out who the demo co is.....b/c if a Demo co hasnt even been signed up yet.........then i suggest we're still eons away from actual Demo
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